These days, it seems like I’m asked for a podcast recommendation every week. The good news is: I finally have an answer. Learn/Earn/Relearn, from University of Washington Continuum College Vice Provost Rovy Branon and UW Communication Leadership Co-Founder Hanson Hosein, is interesting, presents information in digestible chunks and makes me think in new ways — it’s definitely worth a listen.
The limited-run podcast, launched on Sept. 13, examines the premise of a 100-year lifespan which, thanks to technological advances, is very likely for 25-year-olds living in the United States today. How do we sustain such an extended lifespan? What does it mean for a career (or two or three)? What role does education play and what does that look like?
The challenges and opportunities of a 100-year lifespan, and the 60-year career that goes with it, are extensive. Branon and Hosein invite national experts to discuss the essential skills, credentials and vocational credibility necessary to thrive and make the most of a longer life.
Spring Green Communications EVP Tia Over helped bring the podcast to life, providing project management and production oversight in partnership with Audiotocracy, a woman-owned small business. Shannon Perry, Audiotocracy’s CEO and founder and producer of Learn/Earn/Relearn, said: “I love that every day is another opportunity to meet and learn from people I might otherwise not have access to. And this time, I have the added benefit of being part of this incredible team Tia Over and Spring Green have put together.”
Perry provided some insight into what makes the podcast such a compelling concept and interesting listen: “Learn/Earn/Relearn is really a perfect example of why I love being in the podcast production business — it’s such a win/win. Listeners benefit from this engaging, smart, forward-thinking content; guests benefit from opportunities to get in front of new audiences who are really ideal for them; the University of Washington and Continuum College benefit from demonstrating the quality of thought and leadership that can be found here.”
The first episode of the podcast delves into the 100-year life with London Business School professor and author Andrew Scott, whose groundbreaking work on longevity and its effect on society provides the basis for a fascinating discourse that lays the foundation for future episodes.
In the second episode, listeners hear from Elizabeth Scallon, a startup and innovation ecosystem builder who is currently the director of incubation enablement at HP, and Kence Anderson, the director of autonomous AI adoption at Microsoft. While the future of technology and AI often seem to go to dark places, this episode leaves listeners with a sense of optimism about what’s possible.
It’s time to consider what we’ll need for a successful 100-year life, and this podcast brings the top thinkers on the topic right into your ear buds.
by Sarah Morrow