Melissa Mathews

Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word

CEOs frequently rise to the top based in part on charisma. They tend to be quick thinkers and quick talkers. But once they land in the corner office, they can’t just speak off the cuff anymore. Instead, the savvy ones turn to professional communicators to prepare for speeches, social media posts or media engagements. They…

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What You Need to Know About ChatGPT Right Now

Suddenly it’s everywhere you look: Stories about ChatGPT, Bing, Bard and even Taylor, a generative AI-powered tool specifically designed to create press releases, are cropping up everywhere. Your organization is looking to you for expertise on this new development, but you don’t have time to absorb everything that’s out there. Here’s what you need to…

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Doing More with Less: Is 2023 Your Year of the Agency?

When I started my business in 2010, the United States was in the middle of the “Great Recession,” the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. According to Department of Labor statistics, about 9 million jobs were lost in the two years before I founded The Mathews Group (now Spring Green Communications). Unemployment hit a…

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The Summer of (Comms) Crises

It’s getting hot in here. And we’re not talking about the weather. This summer, businesses and organizations are finding themselves in constant reaction mode due to quick-moving domestic and international developments. The Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v Wade. Repeated mass shootings. Inflation, supply chain and recessionary concerns. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine.  It’s tempting…

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Are You Still Linking In?

When LinkedIn started back in 2003, it was an effective networking tool for businesspeople. But lately, despite growing to include 830 million members worldwide, it’s become less useful as a tool to connect with colleagues and potential contacts.  What happened? For starters, it’s been overrun with spammy advertising. In just one 24-hour period a few…

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So You Want to Go Viral…

If you have a hand in social media, you’ve probably dreamed of going viral. But have you considered what comes next? Getting thousands of likes, clicks and shares is only a first step. To maximize the opportunity, you’ll want to keep engaging your new audience and inspire them to act.  In March of 2021, the…

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How to Ace That Home Video Shoot

The pandemic era has inspired communications professionals to find new ways to connect leaders with employees, customers and other stakeholders. With remote and hybrid work now permanently part of our lives, videos, webchats and remote media interviews are critical items in our executive communications toolkits. As a former news producer, I cringe at poorly shot…

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PR May Be Ukraine’s Most Potent Weapon

In this PR Daily article, Melissa Mathews describes why Ukraine is winning the PR war. “The Ukrainian people, led by their young and charismatic President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, have become the underdogs we’re all rooting for. While I defer to others to comment on military strategy, as a communicator I can’t help but notice how well…

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The Edelman Trust Barometer: What Does It All Mean?

The global public relations firm Edelman recently released its annual trust barometer, and it’s full of bad news for our institutions. The pandemic, politics and social unrest have eroded trust across the board, especially in media and government. As a result, people are looking for someone or something to trust. It’s an opportunity – but…

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Your Office is Now Virtual; It’s Time to Adjust Your Budget

In this blog post, Melissa Mathews offers some important considerations to keep in mind when your business goes virtual and how (or where) to invest your money next. ” While there’s nothing wrong with enjoying increased profits, not all of those savings should go to your bottom line. Closing the door on your office opens…

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